I tried making a diaper using Sara's tutorial, and it worked! It only took me a few hours. The tutorial was very easy to follow, and I had no problems that I couldn't figure out. I don't think I made the elastic cord quite long enough, so that's why I had to put the buttons on the front. It still works though! As you can see I'm very proud of myself. Most things I try to sew don't usually work out so well. Thanks Sara!!! :) My little Simon boy likes it, I think.
Cutting More Than Fabric
4 days ago
Your diaper looks great! Especially on those adorable, pudgy legs. :)
BTW, Grace, it looks like the elastic cord you used is thicker than what I used, which is probably better- I didn't see that kind at the store. But that's probably why you had less stretch and had to sew the buttons closer together.
Also, those preemie $1 unbleached Indian prefolds from cotton babies arrived and when I washed and dried them a few times I realized they will be great for a newborn, but are probably too small to use as soakers for the bunchies. But the $1.50 infant size should work fine. I have some of those and will probably get some more. If you like, I can get some for you so we can share the shipping cost.
Way to go Grace!!!!
Thanks Mom and Sara! I got the elastic at Hancock's Fabrics. That was the thinnest I could find, hehe.
Sara I found a lot of flannel scraps of material that I already had,so I think I will use those for soakers till it runs out. I want to try out the diapers before I make a lot of them, but our washer is broken, so I have to wait till it gets fixed to try out the diaper.
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