I have just finished the above titled book by Ivan Illich, social critic of the 1970's and an influence upon the modern home schooling movement, and have submitted an article about it entitled Educational Nemesis to the Jesus Manifesto webzine, a hub of Christian counter cultural discussion. Take a look!

Hi Sara
I went and read your article - really enjoyed it.
Have you read any John Taylor Gatto - I think you would enjoy his books too.
I did read an article by him and thought he was right on- it was very enlightening, something about how the modern school model follows the Prussian model which was designed to generate an unthinking, consuming labor class to serve a powerful elite.
I just commented on your post at the other site (Jesus Manifesto) and thought I'd point you, here, to this, another equally radical take on education by Illich:
The Educational enterprise in the Light of the Gospel
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